Heres a few More Iconic places Including the Dunedin Railway Station, The Otago Uni Clock Tower and Cape Rienga, the Northern Tip of NZ. I like how these are going at the moment and the process of making them is somewhat hypnotic, alot of cutting and pasting involved.
Hey man! hadnt seen your stuff for ages cos i hadnt had this blog saved anywhere. its looking hot man! i really like the way in which your stitching those images together. The final result looks epic. have you looked at Jad Oakes or maybe more relevant is Yves Medam. He plays with this stitching idea as well. Oakes is more interested in the construction fo time in a photographic work but could still be relevant for what your up to!
I like seeing the Dunedin landmarks like this haha makes them way more interesting
Hey Alex, cheers bro yeah definitly liking playing with these amazing dunedin icons haha! I have seen Yves Medams stuff and that kind of gave me the ideas. I've been seeing some of ur pics from USA looks pretty epic!!! I'll give u a facebook sometime
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