Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Layout ideas for prints

I thought it ws about time to do some printing and get a feel for what my images actually look like in real life. I printed a range of sizes from 6x4cm up to A3+ and had a look at the different sizes together and layed out in different ways.

This is the A4 sized prints all lined up.

A3+ prints

The layout options are endless but its good to see how they look together and what they do for the viewers.


amandalikes said...

me and the boy thing went to the unitec fourth year photography exhibition, there was one work there that was similar to yours but yours is WAY better!!! more resolved, better presented, everything.... We loudly said OH THIS IS SIMILAR TO THE WORK OF JESSE SIMONS because the only other artist tim knows is M C Escher. tee hee.

Jesse said...

your a good commenter amanda i tell people to comment only you amandatron doth reply. art school party tonight definitly wasnt the same without your face! poor artschool having to cut jobs lameo national, very lame.