Got a good chunk of my printing done today. 15 Images in total which includes 4 in the panoramic format and 11 square(ish) images, all slightly different in width.

I printed using the big printer in Design which is awesome! The Roland Versa CAMM. And I printed on JET PRO Satin paper, well not really paper kind of plasticy stuff. I plan to mount it on 3mm foam-plex, a thin but sturdy board which will give the prints a more solid feel without being to bulky or framed.

So the sizes of the more square prints range from about 20x25cm to 30x35cm and the panoramic sized prints range from 25x70cm to 35x90cm so they are not drastically different in size but enough to tell that each one is unique.
list of prints so far: Panoramic:
- Moeraki Boulders
- Louvre
- Great Wall of China
- The Grand Canyon
Original Format:
- Taj Mahal
- Machu Picchu
- Times Square (too dark and intense)
- Disney Land
- Venice (possibly too dark)
- Trafalgar Square
- Statue Of Liberty
- Eiffel Tower
- The Vatican
New Zealand Icons
- Mitre Peak (too dark and wrong colour)
- Hole in the Rock
- Baldwin Street
- First Church
- Train Station
- Cape Reianga
More NZ icons to do: Uni Clock tower, pink and white terraces, Auckland Bridge, Lake Matheson
More Int icons to do if needed: Maya Bay, Colosseum, Sarce, washington Monument
NOTE: No Australian icons yet...could do Opera House or Uluru