Heres another 50 google images, this time I searched 'Rotorua Geyser' didn't work as well as my first two but you still get a similar result. The strongest relationships at the moment are the sky- land sepatations, 90 percent of the images have blue sky which is another thing to note.
hey cool kid, our german friend downloaded this program where you can morph peoples faces into each other, i'll try find the pics to send you. It looks really fucked up but really cool, i wonder if you could use it with landscapes? there are heaps of different ones out there to download but yeah just an idea. We have one of tim and matt that is really disturbing
hey hey! yeah I have heard of something like that. Julia is found a program that turs your face into a 3D animated face, real strange but interesting results. Could be a cool idea though thanks
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